Thursday, February 25, 2016

Race Review "2016 CBRC Chili Chase"

This past weekend I was able to run “The CBRC (Cornbelt Running Club) Chili Chase”, which is a four mile race held every February in Davenport, Iowa in Duck Creek Park.   This is my third year running this event and it’s become sort of a staple on the DRC Calendar as it’s really a fun and pretty unique race.  The Chili Chase gives out sweet white logoed gloves and chili pepper embroidered socks instead of your standard race t-shirt.  Now I don’t know about you but I’ve got literally hundreds of race t-shirts stacked up in boxes so getting anything else is a great change!   I also really like the race route…  it starts and finishes on the largest hill on the course winding through Duck Creek Park before exiting into the surrounding neighborhood.  After touring the residential streets for a mile or so, the route dives back into the park on a paved trail system that leads back towards the finish.  The final hill is tough but there is great crowd support that makes the accent go by fairly quick and before you know it the hill is crested and finish line is staring you down.  Admittedly this was my first year running the true course as it had to be changed last minute in 2015 and 2014 due to ice on the route but the basis of the route was the same.

To fit this race into my training schedule I flip flopped my weekend running workouts doing the 10 mile run w/ hills on Saturday and replacing a 5 mile pace run with the 4 mile race on Sunday.  It worked out great and even though my legs felt the after effects of the hills a bit it wasn’t enough to have significant impact on my overall performance.  My plan going into the race was to take the first mile out at somewhere between my 5K/10K pace and if I felt too labored or if my HR read too high on the first incline I’d cut back and run closer to my marathon pace.  Luckily I felt fine so I pushed the first couple miles pretty hard until I secured my place then flipped on cruise control until it was time to tackle the final accent.  I ended up finishing the race with a time of 24:29 averaging right around 6 minute mile average and felt very refreshed not drained so it was a big mission accomplished for the day!   Post-race I enjoyed some delicious chili and an equally delicious beer as I caught up with friends and reviewed my data before hopping back in the Corymobile and cruising home feeling good about where this year is heading!

So the next race on the schedule is the Gaelic Gallop 8K on March 12 in Dyersville, Iowa which is a fun St. Patty's day themed event where I’m planning my debut race wearing a kilt... if anyone has suggestions on where to find or how to make a good running kilt please hit me up!   Until next time… Happy Running!


Race pictures below taken by Shannon Woulfe (Woulfer Photography)

Bill and I are amped up and ready to rock!

Always important to display a little class while racing

Digging deep to finish strong up the last hill!

Rounding the last corner to finish up the race!

It's always a good day when you get to run fast!

Bill and I displaying our "Award Winner" mugs

Basking in the Post Race Glory!

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