Wednesday, October 1, 2014


We got back to the course Sunday morning nice and early, temps were hovering just below 60 degrees already and I felt ready to rock.   I did some light foam rolling, hit the porta-potty about 5 times, drank a swig of water quick and headed to the line.  I nervously inched my way up to the front and watched as a team of Kenyan and Ethiopian runners that slowly and calmly walked right up to the line moments before the race start… I was very jealous of their calm demeanor right before they tore off.   A couple quick announcements by race director Joe were followed by the echoes of the national anthem sung by a local barber shop quartet… before we knew it the race gun cracked off!

Right away I settled into my race pace of around 6:45-6:50 and felt pretty dang great, the first few miles flew by pretty quick as I got in my rhythm and honestly was just so happy to be running again after what felt like an eternity of tapering.   I remember thinking around mile 6, I wonder if all the people around me are having as much fun as I am?  Race or no race I was really having the time of my life.  Miles 7,8,9,10 again just flew by and my pace was steady and even dropping a bit, mile 11 I was feeling so great I hit a 6:30 not realizing it but I quickly adjusted back.  I hit the 13.1 (1/2 marathon) mark about 1:29 feeling strong but also very much aware that the temperatures were rocketing up very fast and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.   The next 4-5 miles got a little tougher…  we turned onto Arsenal Island which did not have a lot of shade, it was also not open to the public so there was very little support, my pace was fine but my effort level was increasing a bit.   Luckily by mile 17 we rejoined the half runners for a while and left the island.  Here we were able to run through a couple shady spots and get some much needed water and ice water towels from the volunteers.  I instantly felt better and by the time I hit mile 20, I was rocking a 6:50 pace which would put my finish at a 2:59.  I smiled at the crowd with every bit of confidence that this race was mine… and  then I turned into the molten lava streets of downtown Moline for the final out and back 6 mile stretch of hell of earth that would send me into a pretty fantastic tailspin…

Turning off the bridge into the streets of downtown Moline I felt the effects nearly immediately… the sun was up in full force and there was no protection, only the surrounding concrete to aid the cooking of my already dehydrated organs.  I watched in horror as my pace slipped back to a 7:40, I tried desperately to do the math in my head and thought I would still be ok… 5, miles, 4 miles, each pending mile, kilometer, foot seemed like an eternity and was having flashbacks to Ironman - Racine where I also got severely overheated and stumbled through to a sick finish.   With 2 miles left I was holding pace at 7:40 but clearly was having issues, both arms had gone completely numb, my vision was getting blurry and I was starting to have a sort of out of body experience trying to figure out why I was staggering instead of running a straight line.  I somehow managed to struggle all the way through the end and collapsed pretty much at the finish line.  My official finish time was 3:05:47 which was 47 seconds of my Boston Qualifying time…  it was also a kicker I had been pacing off my Garmin which still had my finish pace under goal but also had the course measured at 26.5, amazing how a 26.2 mile race can come down to a matter of seconds at the end.

So after the finish Rob and Jake helped me to the DRC tent where I crashed for a bit before moving to my SUV to yack for a while.  It was a very strange feeling as I thought if I missed my BQ time I was going to be very upset but I really wasn’t, I pushed myself harder in that race than about any other to date and there really isn’t anything more I could have asked.  I actually came away more fired up to train harder for the next one as I know I will get that BQ before registration opens next year.   I also managed to get a first place finish in my age division and 18th overall which I was very happy about considering the tougher competition at this race… I just wish I could have been on stage to receive my award when the legendary Bart Yasso called my name instead of hearing over the loud speaking with my head in a trash can in the parking lot, such is the life of a runner J  

So now I’m onto the next, I have my first 50K trail race on October 11th and then back to the grind to train for the Madison Marathon in November…. I’ll keep you posted!


I sure had an awesome weekend of running this past weekend.  It started in Potosi, Wisconsin where Bill and I co-directed this year’s Potosi Brewery 5K/10K race.  It was a nice morning and everything went off just great.  This was the first race I’ve been involved in on this level and I really enjoyed it and hope to do more.  I was a little nervous going in as we were timing the race on a program I recently found online that I downloaded onto my laptop.  It went very well though and results were out fast and accurate.  We had also measured the course several times and it was nice to get feedback from the runners that they enjoyed the marks being right on target.   We are looking forward to working with the Potosi Foundation in the future and they are looking at possibly adding on a ½ marathon distance to their races next year; sure looks like good things on the horizon with them!

So I wasn’t able to hang in Potosi too long as I had to pack up the DRC tent and head to the Quad Cities to setup camp again for the marathon Sunday.   It just so happened we ran into the race director for the Quad Cities Marathon, Joe Moreno, at Steve’s Old Time Chaser 5K this spring and he generously offered the DRC a spot to setup our tent to hang out post-race in the party area.   On Joe’s instruction we setup in the afternoon on Saturday right after registration and got done just in time to eat dinner with Bart Yasso and his girlfriend who were speaking that night, it was a pretty cool evening!