Monday, April 7, 2014

"The Drunken Granny"

SUNDAY  - 16 mile longrun, 2nd half tempo

Oh boy did we have fun Sunday!!

I wasn't expecting much following a pretty crazy Saturday where I clocked in just over 10 miles of speedwork including a 5K and a 6 mile "tempoish" run but man was I wrong :)  When we met up that morning we had talked over doing about 8-10 miles but somehow ended up with 16.  The first 8 miles of the run were uphill taking us from Heritage Pond area all the way up to the crest of the bluff that runs to Balltown, once we hit the crest we cruised back down again.. It was a mix between the heritage trail and some gravel roads which worked as a nice contrast to the pavement we've been pounding lately.
We stuck to just over 8 minute miles for the first 6 or so then dropped to the 7's until the last mile where I hit a 6:30.  It was a solid run and a lot of fun on the course we jokingly refer to as "The Drunken Granny" after Hunter and I were stopped twice last year by the same elderly lady on one of the country roads who kindly offered us a beer :) - Check out some of Shannon's great photos he snapped of the route below!

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